Monday, August 8, 2011

Stop Thinking

Bill Gove, often considered the father of professional speaking in the US, said something that is worth tattooing on your arm--where you can see it!

He said: It's easier to act yourself into good thinking than it is to think yourself into good action.

This is completely contrary to what most of us have learned and contrary to where the masses, who do wish for more in thier lives, start. The power of positive thinking is immense and we ought to have clear intentions and work to think our way through challenges and hash out plans but...

Most people get held up in their lives by thinking forever—or until they essentially give up and just stop thinking about the life they want altogether. So sad. You and I need to do the opposite of what the hoi poloi do.

Mostly, all you need to do is what you already know. Be Faithful. Be faithful to what it is you do, the roles you have in your life and what you know must be done. Do what you know and do your best…your thoughts will change when you change what you do.

If only you'd do what we know you could change your world. Stop thinking things through and do what you know. Do what's scary. Do what others think is outrageous. Do it now! Call mom. Go to the county clerk's office and start your business. Throw the cigarettes in the trash. Wake up at 5am tomorrow. Do something!

Unfortunately, most will hide in alleged thought and instead engage in some watered-down nonsense activity that creates comfort in the moment and more pain later. You see, avoiding action or taking compromised action (kicking up dust) might keep those around you fooled but it also keeps you from your promise--your potential, your legacy. It bears an expense on your very soul. You know you're not doing your best, you know you're avoiding the rest of your life and you know you’re letting the best of you rot while you’re still alive.

Stop thinking and do something, now!

Don’t Compromise,


Thursday, August 4, 2011

You Can't Go Right From Wrong

What do you do if you’re typing along and see that you’ve misspelled a word? You recognize it and fix it. You back up to where the wrong letter is and you delete it. You eliminate if from the word you’re looking to have convey an idea that seems worth your time to even express.

Why? Because you can’t spell a word right using a wrong letter. Is the expression of your life worth less relative energy, thought and commitment than you give to a written communication?

First: Recognize the wrong (or what isn’t working) in your life.

Second: Eradicate that wrong (or stupid/destructive behavior) by replacing it with what it’ll take to get you to express what you really want in your life.

Third: Enjoy the benefits of right living.



PS Or you can make it more difficult, time consuming and life defining.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Success Is Really Simple

I was at Saratoga Race Track yesterday during a picture-perfect day in terms of weather, the presence of family and lots of friendly people. It really is a great place to spend a summer day.

How did I do? I didn't lose a dollar! I also didn't wager one. I don't enjoy losing money so...

Anyway, it really struck me how simple success is. It's a choice to do the simple, the common sense thing--even the mundane. Yes I watched and enjoyed some races yesterday, and I also enjoyed watching people do what successful people do, while others take took the road of easy compromise--and that which makes themselves and others suffer.

With utter fascination, I watched people shred and then discard their losing tickets on the ground--as they walk by a garbage cans! While fifteen feet away I could see others clean up after themselves as well as others who'd done the trashing!

Success isn't a mystery.

Getting what you want isn't from following a complex series of steps.

Success isn't luck or an accident.

If only we'd just do what we know...

If only we'd be faithful to the plans we'd laid for ourselves...

Compromise is easy.

Easy-living is a choice.

The Uncompromised live a fulfillment that those who live by easy compromise, don't even really believe exists.

Believe act accordingly.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Taking Leave Because I Left?

What in the hell happens??

I'm in NYC teaching a group of rock-star coaches. I've got to meet a business associate at 7:15 am each morning. If I'm going to workout, as I do each day at home, I have to do it at 5 am (which I normally don't do!) so I can hit my other obligations. Fair enough.

Why then, when I'm traveling and that alarm goes off, do I feel so justified in not needing to do what is so matter-of-fact at home? I start to negotiate with myself based on my prior decision to get up, work out and...and live according to my consciously designed plan for what I want in my life!

"You're tired."

"One day won't matter."

"The rest will actually build your strength for tomorrow's workout." --Gotta like that one!

You know how it goes.

Negotiating with yourself when you're "intoxicated" by stress, fear, fatigue--"under the influence", whether it's via some substance or strong emotion, is a scam and a dangerous way to make decisions about your life. But we all do it.

But what about you? Under what circumstances do you find yourself renegotiating good decisions that you'd made in "sobriety" and instead considering things, lifestyles, options, etc. that are nothing more than pure compromise with a momentarily strong PR campaign--and certainly not anything you'd choose when you're at your best?



Monday, July 25, 2011

The Uncompromised Rest

"It's easy to be hard; it's hard to be smart." the saying goes.

It's easy to drive yourself physically and not rest if there is so much to do. And there always is.

It's easy to think and think about your business and your plans and...and be on it all of the time. There is so much that requires your attention.

It's easy to always be learning and growing. It's the only lifestyle option you can see. You're either growing or dying, right??

Sometimes it's hard for the person committed to The Uncompromised version of their lives to slow, do downshift for a time. They see it as relaxing their standards. Life is all about seasons and cycles; rest is one of those cycles.

Maybe Monday is a perfect day to learn this lesson. Maybe Monday is the perfect day to not get in the fray but to instead sharpen yourself by taking the day off-no planning, no lamenting, no searching, no strategizing, no! Just shutting it down...

The Uncompromised respect the seasons in life.

Be your inheritance-The Uncompromised.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Great American "Survivalist"

You'd think we were on a trek across the Serengeti the way they packed provisions for the long journey. Food rations and beverages to include sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes and sodium needed for the body's very survival were all in great supply-packed and consumed by those weary travelers as they endured the three-hour journey on a Greyhound bus from Albany, NY to New York City.

You can see this same mentality at work on playgrounds all over America. Moms and dads packing snacks for their kid's refreshment during the grueling 90-minute play-date with the other hungry and parched children.

Don't ever wonder why Americans are overweight. If Johnny can't hit the playground without mommy teaching him that Ritz Crackers and Gatorade are required for his nourishment after 45 minutes of such jungle-gym-toil, then of course, 30 years later he'll find himself on a Greyhound needing the same sustenance during the span that is: after breakfast and before lunch.

Unfortunately, the survivalist mentality that has people doing the above, has them over-dramatize other circumstances in their life as well. When people aren't up to much, everything becomes something to overcome, to deal with, to survive. The Uncompromised have consciously created goals, clear plans and too much invested in their vision to be thrown off by trivial non-issues or self-destructive behavior.

What are you hungry for?


Monday, July 18, 2011

Do Something Useless

There is a tired, weak, lazy, unambitious and careless part of each of us. Some call the ego, saboteur, demons or (as I say) scammer. I'm not very interested in what you call it but when you have thoughts that try to keep you comfortable, uninspired and immobilized...know what they are and deal with the enemy of The Uncompromised life aggressively.

Now having said that, I've found that there are many ways that top athletes, spiritual legends, and many other achievers have used to slay those voices that crop up to kill their initiative and efforts. One is the tried and true, "Do it NOW!" Do it now, regardless of how uncomfortable, hard or whatever a situation may be.

Let me offer another option used by some of these greats. Commit to doing something, seemingly useless that ruffles the feathers of your scamming inner-critic nonsense. Do it faithfully and do it well.

Set 10 rocks up at one end of your driveway, get up at 3:30 in the morning and methodically pick up one rock at a time and move it carefully, slowly and gingerly to the other end of the driveway. Do this with all 10 and then put them back where they were. Then, at say 3:55-or whenever you're done, go back to sleep.

It makes no sense, it won't directly put money in your pocket or peace in your heart but it will frustrate that voice that hacks away at your ambition and discipline-both of which are required for you to live the life you want.

If you normally like to run for exercise, go for a run on a local beach (at a nearby lake/the ocean) but first cover yourself with sand. No the Navy Seals won't come knocking but the seemingly meaningless and voluntarily created discomfort from the sand and the abrasion (pun intended) to your ego's insatiable desire for comfort will begin to tame the scammer's expectation for constant satisfaction-and as a result, the quality of your commitments and follow-through will grow regardless of the discomfort that comes with any commitment you might make.

You can do the above or something greater or smaller that frustrates the scammer but avail yourself of the power in doing something useless to do something special.

Enough Said,


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Truth Shall Set You Free

The other day I swung my shed door to close it-but it didn't close all the way. It looked closed but I could tell it wasn't quite closed. As I strode away--aware that I hadn't actually closed it, I began to try to convince myself that I couldn't be sure if the door was really ajar or... When I understood what was happening I became sickened that I was actually conspiring with myself to deny reality and do what was easy in the moment. (not go back and close the door. I know! How much more lazy does it get than that?!)

Food for thought. (No pun intended.)

If you eat crap you'll probably get fat and certainly be unhealthy.

If you don't exercise you'll always find yourself tired and, more than likely, carry extra beef with you.

If you spend your time with the unambitious you'll fail-a lot.

If you don't do what you know, you'll miss the opportunity to become what you could.

If you don't learn to put others first you'll learn what it's like to be miserable.

If you go through life longing for more and different but do only shades of the same, you'll guarantee yourself deep regret.

If you spend more than you earn you'll end up broke.

If you don't read and consider different points of view, you'll not only avoid wisdom--you'll befriend ignorance.

If you don't make your kids feel good when they are around you now, they'll learn to get along without you later.

These are just a few basic realities of life. We can convince ourselves that they aren't so but that has not affect on reality. We can decide we're too busy to address them but as the above reality based Ronald depicts, the realities of life and the realities from compromise and its predictable results will find you.

You are The Uncompromised--act like it.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reach Out And Touch Someone

Do You Have a Problem or Challenge? Talk to someone!

It might take one and it might take twenty conversations but if you keep your problems, concerns and challenges to yourself--you keep your problems, concerns and challenges.

You see, its a new perspective from an "outsider", it's the off the wall idea from the one who doesn't see your limitations and it's the missed but obvious answer from the one who isn't emotionally twisted that will advance your thinking, free you from your limitations and move you in your life.

Do this and you'll grow. You'll advance in the area of your prior struggle and as an added bonus you'll honor the people you open up to and grow your relationships as well.

Sheesh, who knew life could be so simple??


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wining is a Habit-So is Losing.

Life is expectations.

If you expect to win, somehow, most times you will. You'll win because your eyes, mind, ears and your intuition will persistently collaborate together to find opportunities, options and courses of action that others, committed to less than winning (hitting their goals), don't recognize and when they do recognize them, aren't willing to engage.

These are opportunities, options and courses of action that many see but appear too hard, require too much time, emotional, physical and/or financial commitment. To put it bluntly: The one who expects to win-who is willing to stake her/his existence upon a particular outcome will do whatever it takes. They create their quality of life and their legacy from how they choose to live today.

If you expect to lose, somehow, most times you will. You'll lose because your eyes, mind, ears and your intuition will persistently conspire together to find opportunities, options, and courses of action that those who know success, achievement and winning recognize-but deny.

These are the opportunities, options and courses of action that require effort (sometimes hard effort) that appears earnest and sensible, yet ensures defeat. To put it bluntly: The one who expects to lose-who has stake is in losing, must ensure losing to keep his/her reputation as that of a noble struggler. Too much success is a threat since others' expectations are then raised.

There is a vast middle ground, of course, where people spot their expectations, take commensurate action and experience corresponding results.

After reading this you’ll choose anew where to place yourself in life. Will winning or losing be your habit? Perhaps you’ll renew your commitment to some “acceptable” combination.

Time and results will tell.

Be Good – Don’t Compromise,


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Don't Feel Guilty, Just Be There

There is a sad stereotype of the guy or gal who is at work physically but longing to be with his/her kids--then once with the kids s/he is bogged down with thoughts of work and all that goes with it. This is the short of it but can happen between any area of life/thought.

There is a solution. It's called: Faithfulness

(Bear with me as I choose a gender to keep it simple.)

Over time, as our heroine's mind wanders at work to the point where she is no longer able to do the quality of work she knows in her heart and mind she is capable of, she'll make this wandering--this compromise into a habit and begin to medicate by watching the clock, daydreaming, surfing or... Now she's exacerbating the issue. Deep down she knows that she's not living in integrity and it's killing her!

Her demons go to work on her so she questions her worth, her trustworthiness and more.

So she goes home. As she kicks the soccer ball around the backyard with her kids, she's hit by the guilt that she's not getting the job done in her work. As she becomes more distracted by thoughts of her disappointment for not being more present and productive at work, others perceptions of her and her boss' perspective she inadvertently ceases her faithful execution of her role of mommy.

Now that scamming voice will give her hell for not living into her values or doing what she said she would with regards to being present with the kids or...

As she lays her head down at night, she doesn't rest easy as she contemplates her day of distraction. She has closed her day like she started it, compromising it through misallocation of her emotions and thoughts and efforts.

One more assault from the scammer has her questioning her capacity to do anything, to be effective at all that she has to do and...she peters off to sleep.

She might want to blame busyness or some other external force but the fact of the matter is, she needs to be at work when she's there, be with her kids when she is there and be in bed and rest in peace when she is there.

Simplistic? Dude, try again. It's everything. Try and be present at work over some time and then try and come home and consistently be fully present with your kids (or whatever you do post 9-5), try to let it all go and do what you're supposed to do when it's time to sleep.

It's true that it often takes practice to be where you are and be faithful to what you're called to do at any given moment. That doesn't excuse us from our need to do just that--be faithful.

Here Now,


Sunday, June 26, 2011

People are Broken or Amazing. You Choose.

I think people are amazing and capable of remarkable things.

What do you think?

I think people are limited only by their imaginations.

What do you think?

I think people can do just about anything they decide to do.

What do you think?


If you think people are broken, then you won’t expect them to do amazing things.

Whatever they do–it won’t be enough.

If you think people are broken, you won’t attempt to feed their imaginations with hope and possibility.

You’re teaching them to live your limitations.

If you think people are broken, you’ll not expect them to do anything much.

So you’ll just wait for them to disappoint (again).

Reality Zone:

  • People will disappoint you.
  • People will forget to dream or give-up on dreaming.
  • People will make foolish decisions.

It’s how we see and engage them in the face of these realities that matters. Because as we each know, all too well, we can only control ourselves. But it’s in our ability to control ourselves that we can not only change our own lives, but inspire change in others as well! The Uncompromised in our world speak to the best in people (king/queen) and as a result bring out the best in those they touch.

Be Good – Don’t Compromise,


Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's All Application

Who cares what you know if you won't do something with it?

  • Applied knowledge is wisdom.
  • Ignored knowledge is destructive.
  • Denied knowledge is stupidity.

Since the problem in life is very rarely that we lack information, you can see the above three options for your choice in how to engage your life.

Doing Something,


Friday, June 17, 2011

Using My Own Words

I've been teaching about thirty-five men in a program called Freedom Academy for a few months now. It's a program designed to help men who've suffered addiction (and all of the collateral damage) through a recovery process--I'm there teaching from my book, The Uncompromised.

Just a couple of days ago I raised the bar. "We're looking beyond "staying clean". We're looking at what you really want, what your big dreams are and we're going to get busy creating plans to make it all happen. None of this feeling good as you think about living how you want. We're going to go to work to actually make it happen."

One guy started us off and I coached him to get clear on what he would actually do to get his dreams out of fantasy land. I was both helping this guy and encouraging others to powerfully and positively engage him so we could get the ball rolling as to how we'd work the next guy--and the next.

I decided to go second and open myself up to them regarding one of my challenges. Next thing I knew 9 different guys were hitting me with what they saw and how I was compromising. Then the coup de grace--a guy raised to speak--and he did.

He spoke humbly for about 20 seconds as he quietly searched through my book. I was pretty sure that he was looking down because was nervous to speak publicly-- and that my book just happened to be in his hands. "Now Ron, you say here in Chapter 15... “…entertaining such thoughts makes your daily life harder while compounding the insanity of feeling like something should be different.” " I started laughing at the irony and the fact that he'd hit the nail on the head concerning the lesson I needed to relearn—using my stuff “against me”!

Humorous and humbling!

Class ended and here I am, reminded to do what I’ve long known.

The truth is, we usually need to learn new things; we need to remember and do what we speak and what we know. Yeah, we'll need to be reminded but if we're lucky--rather, if we're smart, we'll surround ourselves with people who will help remind us of who we are, what we know and subsequently remind us to live accordingly.

Don’t you just wish you knew 35 recovering addicts who are willing to speak the hard truth as they had your back?

In Rigor and Humility,


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not About Weiner

The recent and current scandal concerning Rep. Anthony Weiner could powerfully open a conversation and firmly establish a point that needs to be recognized in society as a whole. If we miss it--we'll continue down our path of folly, double speak and hypocrisy.

What you do is a reflection of who you are. That is that. Sorry, but reality is actually our friend. Embrace it.

To say that something you do isn't a reflection of who you are is total nonsense--and completely accurate.

Nonsense because you are the thinker and the doer in your life. You are always at choice. Stupid choices come from stupid thoughts and stupid impulses (emotions) in your heart kept alive and fostered over time. I can't believe I have to say this but... If you did it, you did it!

Completely accurate because I do believe that who a person truly is--is amazing. Who someone is is a unique combination of the best qualities possible. Who we are is great. Who you are is an amazing person capable of wonderful things for your good and for the good of others.

Your birthright is greatness.

My Dear Reader, Mr. Weiner and RR:

We stray from that truth. We deceive ourselves and others when we act foolishly. We nurture certain thoughts and feelings that skew our ability to do great things. Not cool but again...reality.

Mr. Weiner, this scandal is about you--yes, but it's also about me and about you, my reader. Will we feed the fool or the king/queen inside our hearts? Will we act from our true nature determined to do good or will we compromise the truth of who we are and act the fool?

Today we will each answer. What will we say?


Monday, June 13, 2011

The Danger of Tribes

"Tribes" is one of the new words that everyone from marketers to social activists are using. Let's not get all giddy about fitting into a tribe, being a tribe and being lead by a charismatic or insightful creator of a tribe without pausing to think. (Whether that tribe is called a group, committee, team, family, race, religion, psychographic...)

We can't avoid the fact that there are tribes all around us any more than we can avoid our own membership in multiple tribes. We can avoid ignorance in how we engage others inside and outside our tribes if we'll open our eyes to both sides of tribes.

There are pros to tribes. What are some?
  • You are with people who think like you
  • You are immersed in traditions, thinking, culture and lessons of those who've "been there".
  • You get to leverage the ideas and efforts of people on the same page
  • You can make a big difference in your community and outside of it
  • "Positive peer pressure" from those who know you
Oh, there are many more, I know.

But we'd be fooling ourselves if we didn't pay attention to the other side. The cons of tribes or of the tribe mentality are:
  • Arrogance that we get it while they don't
  • The mentality that the ends justifies the means
  • Individual personalities, needs and aspirations get lost
  • Identities (of individuals) are warped as is the menu of possible actions in life based on the identity of the tribe rule the day
  • People shut their minds off and let the leader do their thinking
Of course there are more here on the con side as well.

The point, though, isn't that tribes are bad. The point is to think. The point is to consciously choose which tribes you belong to and to be aware of the tribes you belong to without your choice (color, heritage...). The point is to be aware of the great benefits and the wonderful possibilities from casual or engaged membership in a tribe as well as the dangers and the pity seemingly inherent in tribes.

MLK Jr. said it all when he spoke of the day when people are judged by the content of their character rather than...(any tribe that separates, divides and sets one against another). Be Good. Be part of that tribe--those committed to being good and doing great in humility.

Be Good - Do Great,


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Monday Mentality Gone Wild

Everybody is going to start working on something--Monday. Never today, never NOW! It's cliché and it's cliché for a reason.

The problem of course is that people are inspired to excuse themselves from far too many opportunities based on their skewed perceptions of when and what constitutes "good timing". Strung together, these bad decisions to wait, missed opportunities to act and little surrenders of initiative lead to a life of disappointment and forever hibernating dreams.

Let's look at this through the eyes of the sales person with the Monday Mentality.

Summers are like "the big Monday".

People too often think like school children and put off big efforts or new projects for September (think summer break). "I can wait and go after it in September" they say--without actually quite saying that or realizing they've gone into a mental and then practical holding pattern for 2+ months.

The Monday Mentality is more than an event though. It's a toxic way of living which affects everything and everyone around you.

So the year continues...

After the summer--if they can't quite go after it right away, in September, the keeper of the Monday-mentality limps through October, perhaps building a bit of momentum. That brings them to November--and certainly no one does business or gets into a big project around the holidays...better wait until after new years.

And the Monday-mentality is on the loose!

"Okay, let's admit it, everybody knows that sales are really slow in January and February. Let's retool or work on our plans or..."

"Let's be real, late March/early April is Passover and Easter; you don't want to bother people and their families now!"

...and then it's late June again.

There is opportunity--and success in all of its forms available to the woman or man who will stop with fairy tale seasonal excuses and get on with manually crafting their lives--NOW.

The kind of success we all want requires courage and a great dose of enthusiasm and sustained effort. Don't buy the compromise found in fairy tale excuses? You're designed for great stuff...


Monday, June 6, 2011

Ode to Spain's Soccer Team--and us.

Saturday I went to Foxboro, Mass to see the American national soccer team play Spain's--who, by the way, just won The World Cup.

I'm still shocked at what I saw.

Spain won 4-0. That's not so hard to believe, I guess. What was shocking to me was the ease by which they won. It looked as if they barely broke a sweat while the Americans chased the ball all over the field never possessing it for long.

I was certain it would be a really great game. America's team isn't bad but...

Spain’s players were, almost to the man, masters. And playing like a team they created great results.

Being great as a team and masterful as an individual--and far ahead of the competition (if only your demons) requires:

  • · A decision to be great
  • · Caring more about your goal than you do your comfort
  • · Spending time with people who are better than you at your chosen endeavors
  • · A decision to never quit

We all have to choose where we’d like to place ourselves on the scale between mediocrity and mastery. Having witnessed the results of years of dedication and resulting dominance, I know I’m capable of more.

And you…? What is it time to stop messing around with and start hitting hard?

Toward Mastery,


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ah, You're Killing Me!

I'm sure there are armchair psychotherapists out there who'd easily diagnose my psychosis or certain religionists who'd rebuff my intemperance or more patient souls who'd try to assuage my intolerance but if there's one thing that kills me, it's the attitude of "Someday..."

My philosophy is that if you want something, shut up and do Outrageous, I know.

We need more "Shut up and do..." in our culture and less "Someday when..." (not to mention passive listening to people and their fantasies)! Don't even tell me about the job you aspire to have, the children's program you intend to set up or the weight you want to lose. Don't even...unless you intend on being seen as someone capable of living that ambition and then being challenged to act according with your desire and capacity.

Is that wrong of me?

Most people, upon gentle but clear encouragement offer a polite decline of my request that they actually do something to move their plan ahead. It goes like this:

Ron: Dude, that's awesome! There are ton's of kids who'd benefit from your wisdom! Soooo, when will you go ahead and start teaching those courses? What do you have to do to make that happen?

Dude: Uh, well that's great. Thanks, yeah, there are lots of kids who can use this sort of thing and...

Ron: Yeah... Totally! So, what can you do to make this thing a reality?

Dude: Well, I've spoken to Jane and planted some seeds with Craig but you know it's difficult today because...

Then with a frozen smile and eyes bugging out of my head, my mind races as to how I can/should engage this person further. Do they really want support or do they really want a witness who encourages feel-good from indulging in the fantasy?

Spare, spare yourself and your own heart! Don't utter a word out loud concerning your desires unless you intend on following through and actually doing with that which you want!

Psssst. By the way, if you'll be careful with your words--and speak only according to what you intend on following through on--it'll turn out to be that same care which will afford your dreams their proper respect and ultimate fulfillment.

Shutting Up,


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Dose are Nunn Bush, Mon!"

Fifteen years ago I thought my path lay in acting. So for three days each week--for about six months, until I realized that I didn't want that life, I'd take the train, bus or drive to NYC for auditions and classes. I lived three hours away. You wanna talk about long days of travel, rejection and confusion...

Though I'd find out clearly one day (that's a different story!) that doing the NYC starving-actor thing wasn't for me, I walked away with a slew of memories and unique stories. Remind me to tell you more another time but for now...

One day, while I was frightened beyond my capacity in "putting myself out there" and "trying to be seen", I ducked into one of 10,000 shoe stores in Manhattan. Hoping to get a pair of something conservative yet stylish, I tried on several pair and found that nothing was fitting. The shoe salesman was getting visibly frustrated with me. He was doing a performance of his own, holding his head in his hands, shrugging in amazement and breathing like an old steam radiator--from Jamaica.

As insecure as I was, I still knew that it was up to them to produce a pair of shoes that fit me, not for me to produce feet that filled their shoes. Nonetheless, I confess that felt like a fool with a gaggle of other shoe salesmen hanging around this empty store--watching their colleague working overtime with me, the customer who wouldn't just buy some shoes.

This had to end. I resolved (under almost intolerable pressure from the whole situation) that if these shoes were even reasonably comfortable, I'd buy them. Finally the chubby, frustrated Jamaican dude brings me over one more pair of shoes--that by his taunting posture and arrogant way of offering them to me, let me realize that I was now holding the finest shoe he could produce...the one pair that no man could deny. As soon as I put one on, I knew!

More crap! Could they gouge my feet in more places?! Looming over me with a face like Dirty Harry's saying, "I dare you not to like and buy these, punk" I looked up shaking my head and said, ", they hurt my feet". Exasperated, he attempted a final coup de gras!

Shaking his head in disbelief while raising his hands to the heavens, he called out for all to hear, "Dose are Nunn Bush, Mon!"


What in the hell does them being Nunn Bush have to do with anything?! If they are killing my feet should I feel better because people will see what I'm wearing as I'm limping down Park Ave?

Likewise if your attitude sucks, your workmanship is mediocre or you're unable to deliver on the promise of your service--who cares how cute you are, how fancy your site is or how assertively you speak?

Let who you are do the talking.


Monday, May 23, 2011


You started that project for a reason.

You declared your ambition because you wanted something.

Using good judgement, you made a decision.

One little word will shape your entire destiny: until.

"I will try" becomes "I will until."

You can't sort of go the distance. If you want what you say you want, want until...

Don't Compromise,


Thursday, May 12, 2011

I've Been Struggling

"I wrote a book! What's the deal?! I wrote pages about "enthusiasm" but I can't write 500 words about it now?!"

This, plus out and out avoiding writing, left me without the needed copy for my new website. "I know! I'll take down and that will press me to finish!" No good...didn't work.

"Wait, I'll rehire my editor now (before I've written much) so I can put myself on a deadline." Still, I wasn't able to write anything very coherent.

Through this time, I've been upset by a professional relationship that has not been right. Full of failed expectations, disappointed hopes and frustrated deadlines until at last (add image of parting clouds, rays of blinding sun and the sound of a heavenly chorus of angels singing), a conversation. It was a conversation that spoke hard truths from both sides, was made safe by plenty of compassion and fortified by rigorous expectations for future work.

This conversation re-established a more powerful alliance than ever had been. Amazingly (or not) I was immediately inspired and focused. The newly resurrected trust spurred my lagging desire to write as well as awoke my dormant creativity. ...and boy did I write.

It was such a striking and visceral example of when something just isn't working in our lives, we can't just pretend all is fine or avoid the issue. Everything affects everything.

The point isn't that things ought to be perfect or that we should just press on despite challenges but, with a touch of elegance perhaps, recognize that we need to deal with ourselves, others and circumstances honestly. It's our willingness to see, speak and live with the truth that allows us to do something powerful with "what is" as we're working to make things better for ourselves and others.


Monday, May 9, 2011

A Valid Question...or Two

In checking out this blog today, what did you hope to find?

Did you hope to be inspired?

Were you looking for a bit of wisdom to consider for the day?

What you want, lies within you.

Speak your wisdom aloud, now!

Do something today that inspires even yourself.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

...and it's still wisdom.

If Charles Manson tells you that 2 + 2 = 4, would you believe him?

If North Korea's Kim Jong Il told you that The Age of Reason, a book by Thomas Paine, was written as an attack on the claims of religion and the legitimacy of the Bible, would his statement be untrue?

Because your favorite reporter, your most adored politician, most loved professor--because your mother, best friend or trusted pastor, rabbi or imam says y is the best policy, peace is necessary through x or that "we" are better or "they" are different or...will it make that assertion true?

Wisdom is wisdom and truth is truth--regardless of its source. Likewise foolishness, folly, ignorance and deceit are each what they are regardless of our affection for their source.

We each need to search for and discover truth and wisdom for ourselves, only then can we possess it and live through it. If we don't get it for ourselves, what we do get won't be wisdom at all. And in fact will have a lot more pain and repeated errors than necessary.

Since you can't borrow wisdom from another and the alternatives to wisdom are frightful (ignorance, blindness, victimhood...), let's each consider what we know and how we know it--and endeavor to be hungry for wisdom.

Uncompromisingly Yours,


Monday, May 2, 2011

What is Justice?

Really, there are so many ideas that we can't avoid engaging. Justice is one of them.

So often we assume what something means, often unconsciously, and then go about the business of life as if it were accepted fact and those who disagree with us are somehow missing something. Are they?

First things first, let's get clear about this universal idea that's reflected in our every thought and action--including everyone else's too!

We all want justice; but what is justice?

Justice is a doctrine of fairness or right.

We always feel justified in our thoughts and actions (at least in the moment); but who or what determines what is really justifiable concerning a particular issue at a certain time regarding a specific issue?

Ah, here lies the rub. Unthought out rationale can't help but produce purely inherently selfish justification. Why? Because without considering a higher truth or greater purpose, we all default to justice meaning our being right--our justification. Well, that's not going to work.

Think about the countless religions, philosophies, beliefs and experiences possible in this world and compound it by billions of individual perspectives that both reflect the afore mentioned factors as well as transient moods, the gain of experience (traumatic and pleasurable) and perhaps wisdom, we're going to end up with quite a soup of ideas on what the nuances of justice really are. And subsequently how we relate with one another.

Call me a peace-freak but I'm just idealistic enough to believe that heaven on earth, the kingdom of God, utopia and nirvana is possible, NOW!

I'll propose no answers but I will ask a couple of questions--as I believe new, different, better questions produce awareness, sensitivity and wisdom. From wisdom and sensitivity come better conversations and better solutions to problems within ourselves, with our families and with the nation 10,000 miles away.

What is just? What is right?

How can you know?

How can that be verified?

What is the virtuous and wise application of what you understand to be just?

How would you know if you're right? How would you know if you were wrong?

Justifiably Yours,


Thursday, April 28, 2011

How many dreams...?

How many dreams have been delayed by one more edit?

How many dreams have been lost by poor planning?

How many dreams have been dashed upon the rocks of reality that should have been considered sooner?

How many dreams have been shrouded behind the pal of insecurity?

How many dreams have been fatally wounded by critics whose ignorance and shortsightedness multiplies by the hour?
How many dreams have become reality through said dreamer's faithful enthusiasm?

How many dreams owe their existence in the world of "actual reality" to the courage of one to do what others wouldn't?

How many dreams--now fulfilled, cascade their abundance upon the one who labors with endurance (consistency and sustainability)?

How many dreams can resist the power of one who lives with integrity?

How many dreams have been resurrected by a willingness to do something?

Since we know what kills dreams and what births and sustains them--let's each choose to not be fools (persistent learners of the same lessons in the same scenarios) but to instead follow the wisdom of The Uncompromised and do something, something special, with what we've got.



Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mondays That Never Come

I just was on the phone with a client who impressed me so much. Her choice was a simple one but it's an example of the kind of choice that shapes the lives of The Uncompromised.

Many of you who know me, know that I've done the Insanity 60-day workout and that I rave about how great it is, the results I got and how it made me feel. I've told so many people about Insanity, I joke that I ought to be earning a commission on the number of people I've gotten to buy it.

Enter client X. Upon hearing one of my Insanity rants (no pun intended) she quietly decided to purchase it. On the Insanity calendar and in most people's minds, day one is Monday. That is...unless you really want what you open your mouth and profess.

What if you get the DVD's on Wednesday? Should you continue to eat as you have, put your first workout day in your calendar for Monday and then tread water for five days? That's one plan. But of course there is no magic in Monday--and for too many the Monday mentality is a poison, as too often Monday never comes.

How about this? Client gets DVD's and starts.

When? Saturday?

Why? Because she has integrity concerning her vision.

There, not only is no power in Monday, but is amazing power bound up in acting on the opportunity today. It's Tuesday; you are The Uncompromised. What will you do?

Be Good - Don't Compromise,


Monday, April 18, 2011

Decisive or Impulsive

I'm trying to figure this one out. Trying to be decisive, I know I've been impulsive. There is a difference because I know I've experienced different results from making swift decisions--which both words connote.

I definitely want to be one of those alluring and inspiring people we've each experienced or seen who sums up a situation and responds with the right amount of power. They're gentle and compassionate when required; they're assertive and precise when those qualities are required.

Looking "impulsive" up in the dictionary, I found the key. Impulsiveness is a quick decision that isn't well thought out (ill-considered). Fine. But I don't have all day to think things out if I'm trying to be decisive!

Ahh, but that's the point. Think! Think about various scenarios, think about why you do any thing specifically and many things in general. Know why you do what you do. Think about these things before the heat is turned up. JFK said, "The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining."

It's in knowing what we believe and "why" that helps us move from quick ignorance (impulsiveness) to decisiveness.

Decidedly Yours,


Monday, April 11, 2011

Interruption or Opportunity?

Here she comes...the old lady next door wants to talk--you're just trying to do some work in your yard.

Not NOW! A school bus pulls out just ahead of you--now you're stopping every 100 yards for a quarter mile local tour of your neighborhood.

The list could go on of course but it's instructive to think that we call these things interruptions.

Really? What got interrupted?? Your plan? Somewhere along the line we buy into the notion that our plan is the plan and then we become frustrated and less than our best when our plan is interrupted. Silly rabbit...

No. Your plan is your plan and then there are another 7 billion other plans.

At the risk of being all chipper-personal-growthy on you. Your choice is to see reality and accept the unexpected as an opportunity to bring more of what you want into the world or you can deny reality (not a good plan), think you are the center point of time and history, continue to be frustrated by people and their thinking that their plans matter.

I'm just saying...


A Blog About Fajitas?

Is "fajitas" Spanish for "make your own burrito"?

I don't want to make my own burritos. But man I keep ordering fajitas when I go to Mexican places. I can't help it; I like them.

I want steak, fried onions/peppers, diced tomatoes, guacamole and that nifty sauce. But I don't want to have to do the math required to properly divide up the resources (previously mentioned) so I don't end up starring at an empty hot plate and three soft tortilla shells.

I'm not quite sure what the connection between this touch of inspiration and a personal growth message would be. Let me see what I've got though...

Why don't I simply ask for three steak steak soft tacos with onions, peppers, diced tomatoes, guacamole and nifty sauce? Why do I keep putting myself in this bind of missing dinner time conversations as I do long division on a sizzling plate that some dude is compelled to tell me is hot?

Hey, I know! I could actually ask for what I want. Why continue to damn myself to do math and the manual labor necessary to properly ration my foodstuffs?

Okay, motion carried. Asking for what I want is a good thing and worth trying. I'll be dining on Mexican Wednesday night and commit to ending the insanity.

Thanks for the therapy.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Since Your Mind is Democratic...

Majority rules! Say that and most people would shout some version of, "Amen!" or "Of course!"

Would it change your thinking if I told that America isn't a democracy?

Would it change your mind if I told you that James Madison, known as the Father of the Constitution, had this to say about democracy: Hence it is that democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.

A democracy is two wolves and one sheep deciding what is for dinner. No security, no higher principle and no natural freedom to appeal to in a democracy when 51% can be swayed and bind 100% of the population.

On the other hand, our minds are an awful lot like a democracy in that what we most think about, we become. If you want to change you need increase the volume and enthusiasm of those thoughts that reflect the best of you and your dreams and goals.

Wow, Ron! Interesting and informative!



Monday, April 4, 2011

The Dabbler's Lament

A paragon of endurance, Mother Teresa labored in the gut of Calcutta for decades giving everything she had to help the "poorest of the poor". She held the hands of lepers, applied medication to open maggot-infested wounds of the dying and held the skeleton-bodies of broken infants as they left this life.

She didn't seek attention, she avoided it as it took her from her what she knew to be most important: expressing love to all those who society was mindful to forget. The world sought her.

The dabbler's lament is elusive fulfillment. He knows that he ought to do things, whether for others or even himself, but he doesn't think in terms of self-sacrifice except as it serves his more immediate purpose. That purpose might be recognition to feel a sense of value, pity so as to dismiss his responsibility, guilt to better control another or the perpetuation of an image that needs occasional maintenance.

Having lost a sense of "mission", the dabbler needs to be seen. She survives on consciously created PR campaigns designed to have people see her a certain way. So self-absorbed is the dabbler that she's lost part of her humanity--becoming blind to the needs of those around her.

Chances are, you're neither a Mother Teresa nor a total dabbler. Reflecting on the dabbler's lament and the joyful life of a saint:

Where do you see you need to engage people differently?

Where is your "mission field"?

Though these examples are somewhat black and white...we still are forced to choose and live that shade of gray. I wonder what you'll choose.

Your Servant,


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finding a Hero Amongst the Living

I like Booker T. Washington, Ben Franklin, Mother Teresa and a slew of other brilliant but long since departed people.
  • I work to have Washington's dignity.
  • I study and evaluate myself to gain Franklin's sagacity.
  • I consistently look to give earnestly and generously so to imitate Mother Teresa's compassion in action.
Someone said to me recently, "You really should have some heroes that are still alive." I was first surprised by the truth of this observation and after I stopped laughing, I asked myself why I don't have any living 'idols'? Well after a couple months of reflection, I have an answer.

Though it doesn't seem really evolved, it was true. I found I was protecting myself from learning that someone I'd admired was really a scoundrel. I didn't want to find that I'd invested any part of myself emotionally in someone who had plenty of time and opportunities left to mess up. I liked the neat and finished product that a dead and revered icon provided.

By unconsciously and exclusively following the dead, I was denying the inspiration that comes in the practice of virtue in the living.

I'm happy to report that I'm appreciating the endurance of Dan Jansen, the perspective of the Dali Lama and the consistency of Ron Paul. I don't have to agree with each person's lifestyle, politics, or anything else. I can admire their application of virtue.

In whom do you see virtue? How will you imitate it today?

Following and Leading,