Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finding a Hero Amongst the Living

I like Booker T. Washington, Ben Franklin, Mother Teresa and a slew of other brilliant but long since departed people.
  • I work to have Washington's dignity.
  • I study and evaluate myself to gain Franklin's sagacity.
  • I consistently look to give earnestly and generously so to imitate Mother Teresa's compassion in action.
Someone said to me recently, "You really should have some heroes that are still alive." I was first surprised by the truth of this observation and after I stopped laughing, I asked myself why I don't have any living 'idols'? Well after a couple months of reflection, I have an answer.

Though it doesn't seem really evolved, it was true. I found I was protecting myself from learning that someone I'd admired was really a scoundrel. I didn't want to find that I'd invested any part of myself emotionally in someone who had plenty of time and opportunities left to mess up. I liked the neat and finished product that a dead and revered icon provided.

By unconsciously and exclusively following the dead, I was denying the inspiration that comes in the practice of virtue in the living.

I'm happy to report that I'm appreciating the endurance of Dan Jansen, the perspective of the Dali Lama and the consistency of Ron Paul. I don't have to agree with each person's lifestyle, politics, or anything else. I can admire their application of virtue.

In whom do you see virtue? How will you imitate it today?

Following and Leading,


Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm No Marketing Genius but...

I wrote a blog a week ago and as always was appreciative to see a comment offered by a reader. As I read it though I busted out laughing at the absurdity of the comment that was left. It said simply, "You are welcome to follow my blog." and then offered the link to his site! I'm withholding the name of the misguided.

His comment offered nothing about me, my impact or my content--he saw a space and filled it with him! It reminded me of networking events I used to attend where there would always be the one dude or chick who would run around connecting with nobody but handing out 13,000 business cards. You know the people that listen just long enough to segue into something about themselves?

Anyway, as I was saying, I'm not a genius about many numbers of things but I do know that if people aren't comfy with you and don't feel heard and/or respected you might as well save the gas and your time and just put your business cards in the garbage and watch Wheel of Fortune--it'll do just about as much to develop your relationships and subsequent business.

You are welcome to follow me on twitter,


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Those Darn Deadlines

You have to have them or you're dabbling in fantasy land.

You have to work hard to hit them or it'll cost you time, money, energy, commitment...

You have to take them seriously otherwise you know the next one won't mean anything.

You have have mercy for yourself when you can't hit them.

You have to not be put off or lay your efforts to rest when you can't quite meet them.

You have to create a new ones and rouse your enthusiasm to hit the next one.

What project or idea is it time to put a deadline on?


Monday, March 21, 2011

Feeling Uninspired

You know, one of the things that I really like about the personal growth industry is that there is so much good stuff for helping humanity of varying perspectives. Another thing I like is that it's all geared to making whatever is going on better by:
  • helping people recognize and enjoy what they already have.
  • helping people to learn to appreciate and find the richness in "now".
  • helping people find motivation.

Ironically, one of the things that can be so irritating about the personal growth world is its tendency to...always make things better, happy, inspiring...

You know, sometimes I don't want to be inspired. Sometimes, I'm confused and need to regroup. Sometimes I'm uninspired--and trying to manufacture inspiration over a tumult of other feelings can be a rip-off to experiencing other human emotions. There is nothing wrong with feeling sad. Maybe I'm a bit disappointed or lost...uninspired.

There isn't one of us who occasionally lacks inspiration. It's okay. If the there is truth in my words, let them offer permission to you to not be inspired today.

This too is uncompromised.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Doing Something...

I've come to detest within myself the tendency to talk about, with impotent intention, what I want. I've been saying I want to be fluent in Spanish for 15 years and have heretofore done very little to substantiate my noble sounding professions. I've gotten my "feel good" by telling people and having them say nice things about my capacity and commitment to learn. Talk about compromise...

Enter the Japanese disaster.

After initial sickness over the seemingly never-ending disaster, I felt that same unsettled feeling I got whenever I hyped my desire to speak Spanish. We all get urges. Those who make a difference in their world (personally and globally) do something with what they know and what they know they must do.

There is so much I can't do but what I am doing is a 5k run/walk to benefit the Red Cross' efforts in Japan. What do you know you must you do in your life that you can no longer just talk about?

Doing Something,


Here are the Run for Japan details followed by expectations:
  • April 2, 2011
  • 10:30 warm up
  • 11am start time
  • 11:30/12 Lunch -we'll figure something out...maybe pizza on the tall-handsome guy.
  • Boxwood Park (Rotterdam) -right off of I-890 and less than 2 minutes from exit 25 of the NYS Thruway
  • Goal $50,000. Yes it's an obnoxiously high goal.
  • Make checks payable to "American Red Cross" and place the words "Japanese Aid" in the memo section. All funds will be directed to the earthquake and Tsunami relief efforts in Japan and the Pacific. Red Cross will send you a receipt for your tax deductible gift.
  • No cash PLEASE!
  • If you want to give toward this specific effort for Japan and can't make it--or you have any questions email me at:
  • Email if you are coming or can reasonably say that you can vouch for x number of others coming. We need to know how many cinnamon rolls will be needed to soothe the famished runner!

This isn't a fancy organized run. It is a run with kindred spirits for the sake of recognizing our own blessings and good fortune while we give of our relative abundance to those who've lost much.

Be bold-dig deep and give as much as you feel compelled to give, no pressure. Well not too much anyway.

There will be no bibs -you're responsible to know who you are at the start and end of the race! That's a joke...

Sorry, no aid stations along the way but my wife and a few friends will be baking so it'll be worth your while to run back to where you started!

Winners? When you contribute to the betterment of another you win. You are cordially invited to come and win!

This isn't an event sanctioned by any running governing body. It's a 5k route that I've measured out with my car and regularly run with a pal--Scott, if you must know.

Please tell anyone and everyone you know! Let's do something special.



Monday, March 14, 2011

We Hold These Truths...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that...

This is how the second paragraph of America's extraordinarily compelling Declaration of Independence begins. Self-evident means that something is so obviously true that it doesn't need further explanation such as the proposition that all men (people) are created equal.

We don't use this kind of language these days. Too bad. When one deems something as self-evident, presumably they've got compelling reasons that prove it so.

What do you know that is beyond perspective, beyond a deep feeling and beyond even beyond question?

Here are a few on my list to get you thinking:

  • We all have a feeling (regardless of how we engage or avoid it) deep down that we are meant for something great.
  • All people are equal in the sense that they deserve equality and fairness as to how the are treated by their fellow man/woman.
  • People separate themselves from others by how they grow themselves to include their intentions and efforts--making them unequal in terms of their skills and value to the marketplace or society in general.
  • The above self-evident truths are okay and don't require acts or thoughts of hostility toward either the one committed to furthering him/herself or the one who chooses to live passively.
  • Regardless of your demographic you deserve to be treated with respect.
  • Kind words and humility are more powerful than swords and arrogance.
What are some self-evident truths, that you see, that are worth identifying?


Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Folly of More

I'm not a big Sheryl Crow fan but she has one line in one song that I really like: It's not having what you want. It's wanting what you've got.

That's good stuff.

We tend, even if subtly, to want for the new car, a nicer body, more money, a more fitting spouse, another helping of food, a different feeling inside and the list goes on.

The reality is that the hole, that has you unsatisfied with what you've already got, will be there--more powerfully mind you, when your sexy body is enjoying another slice of pizza driving the new Audi alongside your perfect mate.

You don't soothe for long or really help a spoiled kid by giving him a new game for his PS2. You exacerbate the problem.

Go! Earn a lot of money, accumulate--whatever! But first work to change your heart and learn to be full of gratitude and appreciation for what you already have. You might just find your 'needs' changing too.



Monday, March 7, 2011

What To Do With A Crappy Blog Post

I think there are some greater life lessons in here. I bet you are a big enough boy or girl to extrapolate them.

If you write in a circle and can't unknot it... delete it.

If you don't know what you are writing and end up confusing yourself... stop and figure out what in the world you're trying to say.

If you're ready to press "publish" on a mediocre post... don't.

If you are trying to impress someone as you write... pause and let that go.

If you are busy trying to get your needs met as you write... call your mommy -then finish your post.

Just a Thought or Two,


PS Where did the idea for this post come? The convoluted and wanna-be-profound post I wrote and deleted just prior to breathing this one out.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sometimes You Have To Get It To Get It

42 floors, 809 steps, 100% effort until you collapse... Who wouldn't want to climb the Corning Tower? Once each year the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) puts the Corning Tower race on to benefit the people who are suffering with Cystic Fibrosis.

I'd done it two times prior to this year because, as the cliché goes: it was there. As I signed up, wrote a check to the CFF and scheduled it in my calendar I got thinking that I didn't even know what in the world CF was.

I read about it and became upset as I thought about how people suffer so. Well days, weeks and my upset quickly passed and last night was the race. I don't know my time but let me just say, I never stopped and climbed as fast as I could go. Good job, Ron! Thanks.

When I reached the top I staggered to an open space, collapsed onto my hands and knees and struggled for my breath for about 5 minutes. The dust (and ???) in the stairwells gets deep into people's lungs as they exert and creates havoc for for the competitors trying to breathe for a few hours to a few days after.

On my hands and knees, literally gasping for air, for those few minutes-I got it. CF creates severe symptoms including lung infections that make breathing difficult...oftentimes unto death. I knew I'd recover in minutes. Many will never recover.

Some runners will have just enjoyed their time, some will give more to CFF in hopes of a cure. Both are fine. I'm grateful that I was forced to pause-and in that moment connect a bit deeper, through my temporary suffering, with my own humanity and with those whose suffering will not subside so quickly.

Grateful for Health,