Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thank You!

I started with a new client recently who had wanted to work with me for some time. This happens from time to time -and when we do get together, I alway find it important to update the other on where I stand philosophically so they can choose me and how I work consciously... rather than based on memories or an old version of RR.

Well, after talking to this dude about The Uncompromised he took my 3 minute long explanation and said it back in about 20 seconds! He said, "You believe that who people are at their best is who they are... they are 'uncompromised'. The Uncompromised is about preserving and choosing this rather than the things that compromise this more natural state." YES!

The only thing I'd add is that we don't have to look for something to do to prove great quality. We need only not compromise... or choose The Uncompromised way in each thing we do.

Be Good (be your true self) - Do Great (natural product of being good),


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ron's Dilemma

I have to get rid of some books!

I have scores of books that I just don't agree with anymore. I know the content, I've walked that path. I just can't pick one of them to part with.

I really like books. I like to read them, I like to organize them, I like to look at them, I like to wrestle with them... I like books!

You know, I should just give them away... Agrh! But in 10 years my boys might want to have them... Really? Am I a storage facility for a potential candidate for books that I think they may appreciate someday??

What is it about books that makes them so hard to unload?

Ah, forget it. I'm going to read.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Do You Appeal?

An appeal was made to me recently that I kind of resent. Not only do I not feel honored or inspired by this appeal, I feel frustrated, and as I said... resentment.

I'm really quick to notice what I have to learn both in my own private life and on this blog but today I want to shine the light 'out there'.

The creators/discoverers of NLP Bandler/Grinder said it best when they said that the meaning of any communication is the meaning that is received. That puts the responsibility to communicate effectively directly on the shoulders of the one communicating.

I've noticed appeals from friends, families, strangers, high school kids wanting to sell $10 discount cards, Girl Scouts and their infernal delicious cookies and the bank teller who suddenly is excited about my banking needs as they chipper-ly tell me about their CD rate of - 1.45%.

When you want something, when you have an agenda... what do you do? Do you become someone else?? Do you turn on the charm? Do you manipulate emotions such as guilt or pity? Do you overwhelm with excitement? It's worth noticing.

What strikes me is that if the bank teller was always nice and friendly to me, asking curious question and/or connecting, I'd be much more open to hearing his/her pitch. It seems to me that we'd better engage people with the best in us, not just when we want something.


Monday, September 20, 2010

If it's Right...

If it's right, shut up and do it.

That actually could be the whole blog post but...

I signed up for an adventure race because I'd met a guy who organizes cool events on a plane to Chicago a couple months ago and because I'd not done anything cool like this in some time. I thought I could mix business with my need to sweat, bleed and leave everything I had on the mountain.

My wife has never even done a 5k (she's an aerobics gal) but I really encouraged her to do it. Yes! She signed up.

Soon I realized my race would go from race to escort. Ak!

Truth be known, I groused, pretended I wasn't, I whined and acted like I was into supporting her in this big first event for her. Finally I changed my attitude because I knew it was right... not because I wanted to.

Well with right attitude in place, yesterday we did the race. I escorted my Maria all the way; I'm so glad I did. I always talk about heart/being first then action. Well sometimes you just have to do the right thing and have that hardness/lack of motivation be broken along the way.

It's funny to think about too, that if I'd have won the race (there was no danger of that mind you, but if...), I would have wanted my best friend Maria with me to celebrate. Yesterday, Maria asked me to be with her as she exerted and celebrated. I'm glad I was a stand-by-my-woman man yesterday.

Racers are encouraged to dress to express, to be laughed at, remembered or however you want to. I was told that I'd be the Cat in the Hat. Yes dear.


PS I shaved my beard to be silly... I don't think anyone got it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's a Grand Scam!

Everybody like a good baseball analogy. Ahem! I said, EVERYBODY likes a good baseball analogy.

Sometimes when I'm coaching I'll hear my clients say something that we both know isn't true or is some goofy or downright destructive thing they're considering that it keeps them from living like The Uncompromised. That goofy crap I call their 'scam'.

After we identify their scam a bit more clearly I'll suggest they add it to their ESPN highlight reel of cool moves they use to keep them where they are. From time to time, there is something uttered or something avoided that is so obvious, so ridiculous and unfortunately so destructive it is worthy of labeling a Grand Scam!

Mine used to be: I'm too young. Completely debilitating to be 29 years old and too young for... well anything I wanted to do. By the way, I had that until the day I figured that my scam was killing me and that in time I'd simply switch to, I'm too old.

Oh, I've had more and still have some...

What is your Grand Scam that aint nobody cheering for? least not anybody you'd be proud to bring home to your mother.


4:30 AM

I never regret when I get up at 4:30 AM. In my house, it guarantees me two solid hours in total silence.

Benjamin Franklin said 10 or 20 years ago (plus or minus 250), "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man (women too) healthy, wealthy and wise." I'm down with that plan.

I know there are those who get that quiet time at night (I just don't get it) but regardless of when... get you some. If you are up to anything worthwhile -and this might be a test, you need that alone, quiet, writing, reflecting and/or creative time.

I'd fallen off the wagon recently as I started staying up later so I could do more over the course of a couple days. Well that turning into several days makes morning wake up later and later. Suddenly I'm working, not at my best (4:30-6:30 AM), but just 'doing more busy stuff' between 9 and 11. Not productive. Compromised. Fatigue... ug.

Sometimes it's hard to remember what you are investing in before you get the payoff. For me, getting to bed with a book at 9:30 preferably, and 10 for sure, guarantees a happy boy in the morning.

Oye! I'll let you know how I did this week on Thursday!

17 days until my book is due to the editor! I'd better get in bed... oh wait. It's 6:45 AM!


Thursday, September 9, 2010


I've been there before, pal...

At my son's (6 year old) soccer practice yesterday the coach had the kids run all the way down the field and back. A few kids fell behind a bit -anint gonna be a 17-way tie, right?

The father of one of the stragglers started yelling for his kid to hustle. Fine. I get it; listen to your coach. But suddenly I see the father switch from wanting his boy to hustle to irritation that the boy wasn't listening to him or the coach.

The little guy ran over to his dad crying and his dad just kept saying, "No, no... listen to your coach. Get out there." Now it's a tug of war. Dad, determined that he'll be listened to and son with his initial discontent now coupled with anxiety that his dad was forcing him away, as tears fell. Dad ended up pushing him back on the field as he was crying -red face, tears rolling and quite audibly.

I've been here. It's not pretty. Ever lose sight of why you are doing something?


Monday, September 6, 2010

Why Now?!

So I'm writing this book. Things are coming together but man there is still a lot left to write, organize and link together.

Inspiration was supposed to visit this morning at 4:30 not 8:30 last night when I was trying to crash. Of course it was well after 9 by the time I went to bed but I was able to capture my inspiration -and that is what matters.

I just wish inspiration would keep better hours.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Why Create??

Aint nothin' new gonna be said. Every note that there ever will be has been played, every color one could hope to put on canvas (or base of your choice) has been put there.

Books have been written, speeches given and songs composed. Basically it's the same stuff with a new marketing twist.

I used to think, "Man, the Beatles did Abbey Road, how could it get better... why would people bother trying to be better than that!?" Depending on your preference, the Bible, Torah or Koran, Tao de Ching, etc. have been written. What other wisdom is there. There aren't gonna be any new fundamentals...

The truth is not everyone likes The Beatles, and even though whatever you do has probably been done many times over, what the world needs is you, now.

Your way of speaking, your combination of colors, your unique perspective, your notes, spaces, chords and tempo, texture... we need you!

No wanna-be reheated version of Tony Robbins, John Lennon, Poe, or even Raphael will get the job done. What the world needs is you -stripped of the unessential nonsense yet out loud and inspired.

The faithful expression of your true identity is what will give you peace now, inspire others... and if you create for a living, we all do... it's what will sell.

Be Good-Do Great,