Monday, November 29, 2010

The Wrong Lesson

Recently I was witness to someone giving their word to another that they ended up not keeping.

Sometimes the reason for people not following through is legit. Often, is simply isn't.

What is crazy is when the person who failed to do what they said, in an absurd linguistic-judo move, removes the yoke of responsibility from themselves and places the blame on the other!

I was left speechless just a few days ago when the blame was shifted from "Fred" (who didn't keep his word) to "Tom" (the guy who'd been promised then denied something). The lesson being discussed wasn't that Fred needs to keep his word. It was that Tom needs to show more mercy.

I almost fell out of my seat as I watched the offender turn teacher to the offended during the debrief of events. This happens more than we might generally realize. People can shift the blame everywhere but rarely affix it to themselves.

The Uncompromised, on the other hand, are quick to take responsibility. That is part of what makes them different, rare and extraordinary.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dealing with the Unexpected

This guy just went in for an oil change... (maybe)

JFK said that the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.

Aint that the truth!

People have fantasies that who they really are will be discovered -and admired by others, through adversity or challenge.

The truth is, though, that who you are is the result of daily practice. If you can't handle little stuff with coolness or humility (for example) you won't suddenly sprout divine presence that allows you those qualities when your car breaks in two. It takes courage to recognize this.

The Uncompromised of our world engage rather than avoid reality. We'd better get to work on repairing our roof now. What qualities is it time for you to nurture and grow?


Monday, November 22, 2010

I Don't Understand!

But I brush three times a day!

Yes, I floss!

No, these are NOT my teeth but I did just get back from the dentist.

I had a very brief but fascinating conversation with Nicole, my hygienist. Ah-hem, my teeth were very nice and easy to clean -not much scraping. Pictures not forthcoming.

Anyway, Nicole said that it's amazing how gunky the teeth are that people come in with. I get it, we've all seen some nasty teeth before. But I busted out laughing when she said in all seriousness, and a fair degree of faith in her clients, that many of these people will say some version of, "But I brush three times a day and floss!"

Look, I could go on but...what a scam! Here is where I'm looking today: Where am I gunked up, in denial and acting as if I'm doing all I can do while the results are there for all with eyes to see?

With Sparkling Teeth and Looking Elsewhere,


Monday, November 15, 2010

Dust and Sweat

Sometimes we fail to do what we’re capable of.

It’s even worse when, deep in the recesses of our minds, we decide that we aren’t really going to work so hard but… we’ll keep up the illusion.

This is where we kick up a lot of dust to make our efforts look convincing and sincere -while we know that we aren’t really doing what we are capable of.

I’ve seen people sweat (literally and figuratively) and actually work harder avoiding work than if they just did the thing they are avoiding. Come on… haven’t you seen that guy who huffs and puffs as if he’s totally maxed-out after not doing anything but notice you watching? This happen in offices, athletics, construction… It actually is kind of funny isn’t it?

The trick is to notice when we’re pulling one over on ourselves. This is compromise and it’s an easy habit to acquire.

Don’t Compromise,


Friday, November 12, 2010

Uncompromised Fitness

Shut up.

No, you can't have another desert this week.

Yes, you do have to eat more vegetables.

Intending to do a kick-butt workout is worthless.

Move your body, sweat, push yourself.

If you're hungry, you're probably thirsty. Drink water.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Dad's Wisdom

I used to be a mason (brick, block, concrete). It was there that I received a lot of life's best lessons. Today we'll talk about one of my dad's keepers.

I worked for my dad by the way. Now, say that to most people and the think something along the lines of, "posh gig" or "good deal being the boss' son".

Consider this: most people who've worked for family have a different perspective -as the expectations are usually much greater. My dad put everything in hock -mortgaged the house and everything for a shot at success in business. Not posh.

What does this equal? Urgency, rigor and a low tolerance for nonsense. At 18, I needed to learn all three.

There were occasions where we'd be done with all the work necessary and waiting on a concrete truck or a delivery. My dad couldn't stand idleness. In all seriousness, he'd snap- "Hey, Ronnie, sweep the floor, jog in place, Do Something!"

Bottom line: You are here to be productive -PRODUCE!

My bottom line? Have fun, yes... but Do Something!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Hard-won Respect

I remember hearing Dr. Laura (radio and TV commentator) grousing about the fact that we give so much praise to the kids who were on drugs and then stop, while we tend to not praise or celebrate those kids who never start doing drugs. I get what she said!

She's got a point for sure. We tend to celebrate the recovery of one lost sheep (as in the bible story) while just assuming that the other 99 should be good. It's easy to give the squeaky wheel grease and miss the good work and lives of the '99'.

We've all got 'the 99' in our lives -those who tow the line, who do the right thing, who are just trying to be and do the right thing. I'm going to take a look around me today and tell some of those people how much I appreciate them -who I know them to be. Why should I wait? How much longer until they've earned my words of appreciation?

Today's the day!