Monday, December 27, 2010

Gone Fishin'

I'm off this week!

Peace and Kick it Hard in 2011,


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Play Hard - Play Hard

I know there are some people who are really dedicated to their health. In fact, Jack Lalanne is the man. Check this out. I heard him interviewed about 5 years ago and he said that he'd not had ice cream in something like 30 years! Whoa...

I, on the other hand, have come to really enjoy and appreciate the benefits of exercise so I play hard but... come holiday time there's lobster, cheesecake, peanut butter Snickers cookies and... oh, I play hard some more.

Maybe it's compromise. I just don't think so.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!

Be Good - Don't Compromise in 2011!


Monday, December 20, 2010

A Guy Who Gets It

I was out on my bike yesterday (20 degrees) running my dog. I'd not taken her for a walk in a few days, and though I didn't have time, I figured (as I'd done before) I could let her jog while I rode alongside her. That way I'd cut my time in half.

I passed a retired guy down the street (Mr. C) as he was bringing his garbage can out -we exchanged quick pleasantries as I rode by. As I continued my effort to tire my dog out I realized that she'd gotten the workout she needed so I turned around and began to head home.

With great haste, Mr. C was now backing out of his driveway in his silver minivan. So Daisy and I stopped and waited on the other side of the road. I knew that he was looking for cars and that he hadn't seen me.

I saw him look in his mirror as he went to pull away. The car stopped immediately. Mortified that he'd not seen me -out of the car with the humblest of looks and apologies he came.

THAT'S IT! He got it. If I wasn't paying attention, in his carelessness, he'd have run my dog and me both over. That's a serious matter and he acknowledged it with his actions.
How many people would have stuck their arm out the window or just rolled down the window and said, "I'm sorry"? Either of those would have been just lazy thinking and a denial of the gravity of reality.

Reality is our friend. Humility is a sign of strength and awareness of reality.

Mr. C thought, understood what could have happened in his carelessness yet his humble recovery, taught me more than he would have had he just backed out more carefully. Oh, to be so humble...


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If Only...

If only I had more money...

If only I had more time...

If only I could get a new job...

If only the economy was better...

If only I was appreciated more...

If only I was understood...

If only I was in better shape...

If only things were more simple...

If only I wasn't tired...

If only...

Be Good-Don't Compromise,


Monday, December 13, 2010

The Real Deal

A buddy of mine who was giving a homeless guy money, company, conversation and hope for several months revealed the depth of his integrity one night. His story is worth recalling.

In brief, my pal was avoiding a church service where he'd have to wash the feet of those around him -like Jesus did. He "was not going to touch anyone's feet!"

Not at church but out in his car, he recognize the homeless guy he'd been helping. The guy was high as a kite and covered in his own excrement. My friend bought a couple of news papers to put in his new Audi, sat the homeless guy in his car and brought him home.

My friend ended up cleaning this man (way more than feet!), letting him stay in his house for almost a year as he detoxed, attended programs and got himself back on his feet.

Everyone talks integrity. Many couldn't imagine this level of commitment and few follow through on living a legacy like this.

The Uncompromised, the real deal -whatever! I want it! You?


Thursday, December 9, 2010


I went on a four-day business trip recently.

Bag? Check.

Shaving stuff? Check.

Books for reading? Check.

Passport? Check.

Finally I put my high-powered laptop in my briefcase and headed for the door.

What do I need a briefcase for anymore? I started going through what I had in there that was important. Books to read, pens, letterhead and envelopes...

With the compact offices we carry around in our computers, what in the world is a briefcase for?

Wow, no more briefcase. Cool.


PS Is it lame to ask what you are carrying around (literally or figuratively) that you actually don't need anymore?

Monday, December 6, 2010

97% Authentic

I write another blog ( for Albany, NY's big newspaper, The Times Union. Until recently I wasn't writing like I write (like I talk) -and I knew it!

Why?? Well, it is Albany's biggest paper!

After I was asked to write, at first I was flattered.

Then I became a bit arrogant -because of course, I was asked to write the Success Blog.
Then I was knocked down a peg or two when I realized that I'd be one of four "Success Bloggers".

After that I realized that I had to do my best writing--to be seen. Here is where, as they say 'the fly [went] in the ointment'. (By the way, that's a bad thing -flies in ointment.) I wasn't defining my best writing as putting out correct, educational, entertaining writing in an AUTHENTIC way.

I was trying to impress Aunt Fran, the educated people of Albany and the insecure side of myself. In retrospect I get that I was writing in a way that I hoped would make me feel successful! Ironic, no? Meanwhile, my work stunk!

Be the genuine you as opposed to the counterfeit you.

Be Good - Do Great


PS I took and then posted this picture of me because when I started coaching I was pretty convinced that I had to be Tony Robbins (pretty authentic of me) to be successful. I'd walk and talk and pose like him -with a sort of "I am so wildly friggin' successful, but man I'm humble. How can I help you?" look. Authentic to him perhaps -for me...ah no!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lookin' Good By Acting Aloof?

I watched a performance yesterday (it was a dress rehearsal) where two performers arrived late. Their colleagues were already there, practicing (dancing/singing), despite their absence.

As the two walked in, I sort of imagined them humbly mouthing the words "I'm sorry" or something like that -then briskly moving to get on stage to join their colleagues already engaged in their routine.


They rolled their eyes at the director's comment that it was about time. They further denied the director and fellow performers as they leisurely de-frocked, got on stage and nonchalantly went through the motions of the performance.

Hey! Humble up! Apologize! Get engaged at 100% and move on!

Your being cool is not only irritating, but it impacts everybody around you. In the meantime you've exchanged lookin' good for something more fulfilling that's gotten only by giving yourself completely to what you do.

Thank You,