Monday, July 12, 2010

Compromise to Compromise

It's the second time in about four days someone told me about this dude, Osho. Anyway, a friend of mine sent this Osho quote to me: Compromise. It is one thing to meet another halfway. It is another to 'cave in' and betray your own truth.

I like this. Though I don't worry too much about discussing the more typical use and context of the word 'compromise' (happy medium, give and take) -because I'm more concerned about the ways we surrender our lives to the folly of compromising our integrity, I think this Osho guy really nailed it.

Isn't that one of our moves we use that costs us so dearly? We 'compromise' to keep peace or take care of another -but we can easily end up accommodating everyone to our own expense.

So what do you know?

How does good intention and compromise lead to compromise that we can't live with?



  1. It's a powerful distinction. In our lives we seem to get many opportunities to discover just where to draw the line, in the same way we dance with intimacy and individuation.

    Osho points out that we often step into compromise when we are trying to gain something in return, "If you are tempted, beware: the rewards of this kind of compromise always leave a bitter taste in the mouth." It's being in touch with that feeling state that helps me draw the line.

  2. It's official. I'm an Osho fan.
