Friday, January 28, 2011

Patience and Polishing

I used to be a mason. I laid brick and stone; I plastered and poured concrete. It was messy, hard and sometimes downright painful work.

I remember though, that there would be occasions where I'd come 'out of the field' (off a job site) and into the workshop to do some more, fine work. One of the things I did occasionally was polish a stone countertop or the like.

Without giving a lesson on stone polishing, let me say this: It was fun, dignifying and very difficult in a different way. Working on yourself is like polishing a piece of stone.

The essence of polishing a piece of stone is that you have to use ever-decreasingly abrasive materials while increasing the speed of application so you can smooth and reveal the true color and shine in a stone -its identity of sorts.

Being the craftsman selected felt great but following through on the expectation of the finished product demanded dedication to a very high standard of quality and consistency not to mention the strength and persistence to carry out the task.

Isn't that like life?

Here you are the craftsman or craftswoman. Will you hold a high standard and patiently exert your strength and will to reveal your identity -the best of who you are?

Affectionately Bonded,


Monday, January 24, 2011

Although It's Been Said Many Times, Many Ways...

Paralysis by analysis.

Just do it.

Do it now.

The early bird catches the worm.

Don't wait for your ship to come in; swim out to get it.

Ow. I get it...stop thinking and do!

Well I was doing P90X today -man you just have to appreciate the good stuff they put out- when Tony Horton nailed it. He went down to bang out some push-ups and said, "This is my speed." Good form but man he was flying...

I followed Tony's lead and did more push-ups than I'd expected and after the set he told me why. He said, "Get out of your head." Yeah!! No kidding. How many times have I (before I'd even started) talked myself out of a higher count and then succeeded at underachieving? No comment!

Tony's physical expression of: stop thinking and get going, is just what the doctor ordered for many of us. Stop thinking so much about balancing the checkbook; stop thinking about making that call and stop thinking about going for that dream. Do something -now!

Thanks, Tony.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Good Story

I don't know if it is true but I want to believe it. Regardless it makes a great point.

Once upon a time there was an old pastor of a well-attended church. This pastor consistently gave great sermons week after week and did so with great passion and energy. So though the sermon he gave on love and forgiveness was great and appreciated, as usual, it came and went without much ado.

The following week he gave the same sermon.

The following week -the same sermon.

People started to talk as you can imagine. After a few weeks of the old pastor giving that same sermon, some of the church leaders gingerly approached him, concerned that the old guy had lost his mind.

Confronting the pastor by informing him that he'd given the same sermon on love and forgiveness for a few weeks now, he responded firmly, "Yes, I know. And I'll continue to give it until people are living it."

Very rarely are there occasions where we genuinely don't know what to do. Normally it's that we don't live what we know.

Live It,


Monday, January 17, 2011

Redeeming the Ordinary

I listened to a friend of mine talk yesterday, at some length, about redeeming the ordinary.

I ate it up.

The language I tend to use in this regard is about faithfulness to what already is (in your life).

If you want better relationships, redeem or be faithful to the ones you're already in.

If you want a more rewarding career, sure look for another gig but do great work where you are.

If you want to grow in confidence, don't go buy new clothes or think something on the outside has to change -You decide and act consistent to that decision (which may include a different way of dressing).

We redeem our own lives and this world by our faithfulness to what is. Master the ordinary. In that you'll find yourself prepared for the extraordinary.

This is how The Uncompromised in this world achieve great things, so...

Be Good - Don't Compromise,


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Accidents and Conspiracies

There are two basic views of history and dare I say life: accidental and conspiratorial. Either word or idea can cause people to get emotional or panicky where we retreat to religious, political or some other social camp. No need. Let's think about it.

Nations don't rise and fall by accident. Inventions aren't discovered by accident. Business aren't started nor do they become successful by accident. These things happen because people want them to happen. People conspire and things happen.

OK, what then is a conspiracy? A conspiracy is nothing more than two or more people getting together to make something happen. Add dishonorable intent and requisite privacy and you get stuff like schoolroom cheating to election fraud and even assassination attempts.

Granted, there are accidents but the things I can control, via my decisions that will guide my life, I intend to. The accidental life isn't one worth living.

Since you don't want your life to happen accidentally either, who will you place in your camp to conspire with you? Who will you conspire with to help them with their ambitions?

Cunningly Yours,


Monday, January 10, 2011

Awesome Distinction

This isn't mine. A friend, Camilla Rogers, found it someplace and it deserves more airtime and credit to whoever made this incredible distinction.

If anyone knows who said it, let me know, I'll amend this post ASAP.

The short setup on this is that Camilla and I were talking about how people (to include she and I) can get caught up in pretending we're going for something rather than sincerely wanting and working toward it. Here it goes:

A DREAM - An adult synergy of desire, imagination, and expectancy. A dream has a subtext of maximizing who you are, and a supertext of becoming more than you are.

A FANTASY - An adolescent adventure in imagination without any real desire and no solidly determined expectation. The "guts" are missing. The potential manifestation is seen as a threat and a source of fear rather than something to celebrate as a source of joy.



Thursday, January 6, 2011

Faithful When No One is Looking

Benjamin Franklin was easily one of the most famous, loved, respected, impactful and wise inventors, wits, philosophers, philanthropists and statesman and of his day.

He gave us the modern post office (not the bloated bureaucracy), invented the Franklin Stove, lightening rod and much more. He was a prolific writer, unifier of a new and great nation of principle and a man known in his day as a great sage and prophet.

He, however, started this journey having washed up on the shores of Philadelphia (an economically depressed city) with just enough for a couple of meals -or so it seems...

Before he left Boston and after his arrival he was a hungry learner and student. He spent his free time learning how to write, debate, understand and reason. He read constantly and became a pretty sharp guy fluent in the conversation of intellectuals.

His industry and aptitude caught the attention of the Governors of three states within months of arriving in Philadelphia. And though there is much more to say about how this poor boy went from rags to riches, fame, immense service and near-prophet status it can all be traced back to his being faithful.

He could have done nothing or just a bit with what he felt the desire to do. He could have just gotten by. He could have done well and not pressed himself.

Franklin chose to be faithful to something bigger in himself.

We all need this kind of faithfulness.


Monday, January 3, 2011

What Will Happen

So what will you do today?

I'm going to write two short biographies for the new site (not up yet).

I'm going to coach one client.

I'm going to work with one professional coach to help him be better at his trade.

I'm going to converse with my editor about my book (she has it).

I'm going to...

Good intentions are the starting place. Good activity is how businesses, lives and circumstances are altered.

What will you do?