Monday, October 25, 2010

Bad Habits in Moderation?

Do you know what Angry Birds is?

It is a really cool game app that engages your mind, heart and addiction gland by clever use of physics, logic and electronic force. You are an 'angry bird'. Your beloved eggs have been stolen by nefarious green pigs. Over hundreds of boards you attack and kill these pigs in the attempt to rescue your eggs.


Except this game, is the culmination of some outrageous number of hyper-cool cosmic elements colliding. Somehow, it's actually nearly impossible to stop playing.

Funny... until I want to get something done. I've literally had to resort to saying out loud, "This is the last game." and then and only then can I stop!! I've actually gone to bed saying that I'd play for just a few minutes and an hour later I'm forcefully declaring to myself that, "This is it!"

I think I'd be better off just deleting the silly game as moderation is hard with this thing. It might sound goofy, but it is true. What's not funny is how I am with this game undermines my commitment to sleep and then I'm more tired than I want, then...

Silly little compromise and... not really.

Am I alone? What 'bad' habits do you do that moderation is hard to achieve if not an all-together myth?


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


No, not at gun or knife-point -but in front of my computer!

I was checking out some links listed by a top blogger as places he'd leveraged to build his following. I'm keen on learning from people who know what I don't so down the list (several short lists on a long post) I went. Second to last grouping and second link down... Blam-O!

Up comes a site that was degrading and kind of intriguing (like a car accident) that I never expected to see. I was mugged. Out of nowhere I was confronted with something I didn't ask for and didn't want.

I quickly closed the window and with eyes bugged out of my head gasped, "What the..." I did complete the phrase.

'Muggings' are tests to see if we are who we say we are. You may be 'mugged' by a tray of cookies, a letter from the IRS, someone's irate response to you or a proposal of one sort or another. How you respond reveals you to yourself and the world.

How have you been mugged? What did you see in yourself?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Keep Moving

Nothing good, great or revolutionary ever came without some degree of struggle. It's the person who won't stop moving and pressing that enjoys success.

'Not stopping' doesn't mean 'not resting', but in the words of Jim Rohn, " very little". Too much rest grants you fatigue, frustration and apathy.

As you keep moving... will you cry, crank or be confused? You bet. This is your training ground. This is the chasm that separates the hoi-polloi from The Uncompromised.

As you cross over and begin to see your 'promised land' you'll be glad you pressed through.

Be Good - Do Great,


Thursday, October 14, 2010

There is a Season...

Can you harvest what you didn't plant?

What will you maintain that you haven't first planted?

Can you rest from slumber?

What will you be doing during planting season?

There's a season you are in in your life right now. What is it?

Is it time to rest -yet you continue to pursue?

Is it time to plant but you 'deserve' a bit more R&R?

Is it time to harvest but you don't?

Is it time to maintain what you've already done but you're in a hurry?

Respect the season. In the northern hemisphere it is time to harvest... not rest.

What season is it for you?

In Spring,


Friday, October 8, 2010

Saying No

Periodically I'm asked to endorse someone for their coaching credentials. This means that I write a short letter (email) that indicates that I've heard them coach and can endorse them for a particular caliber of proficiency or talent.

I've had to say 'no' recently to two people who I like. It hurt in the moment but man, I feel so good; I respect myself! I feel good because I know that the times that I have and the times that I will endorse someone actually mean something. I respect myself because I see the value of my word increasing.

Sure it would be easier to say 'yes' to everyone and make more 'friends'. But man, do I want more 'friends' that know that I'll breach my word for the sake of niceness and to avoid 'pain'? No, I'd rather have those that stick with me as I stick to my integrity.

Heck! I've got to find more things and people to say 'no' to!



Thursday, October 7, 2010

Some of My Favorites: Quotes

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. -Mark Twain

Let your words be as few as will express the sense you wish to convey and above all let what you say be true. -TJ Jackson

It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision. Helen Keller

Some goals are so worthy, it’s glorious even to fail. -A. Jackson

You’ll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind. –Irish proverb

This is the final test of a gentleman: his respect for those who can be of no possible value to him. –William Lyon Phelps

The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. –John F. Kennedy

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. Dolores Ibarruri -Spanish politician

If passion drives, let reason hold the reins. - Benjamin Franklin

Monday, October 4, 2010

What a Difference 17 Years Makes

Seventeen years ago I woke up to the notion that I really could be and do more than I was living at the time.

Today I see how much further I can go.

Seventeen years ago I figured I could 'get it' and 'get there'.

Today I sigh (I just did!) as I learn to love what is, now.

Seventeen years ago I though I had to be Tony Robbins to be successful.

Today, I'm so very happy to be me.

Change takes time and change happens in an instant.