Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Compromised Uncompromiser

I talk a good game. I talk a good game because I've been up to some big stuff. I've done more in my life then I ever thought I could.

...but things got comfy and I've been on cruise control, enjoying a certain degree of success.

I've written about 30,000 words of a book that I've committed to writing yet haven't written in 2+ months -at least not anything substantial. At first I was taking time to clarify my audience, to reread and edit what I'd written. But now it's been almost 3 months and I can't deny that I'm compromised.

My word to myself, in terms of slotted writing times, I've breeched. Agreements to myself to at least capture this concept or that on paper have found a backseat to clearing of junk from my desk (which did need attention). Again and again I've compromised to the point where I now see blatantly that my compromises of my integrity and identity are because I'm scared.

I'm scared to be an author, the speaker for $10k/hr and coach for $50k/yr. I'm scared that I could have the impact and actually get what I say I want, and I have to deal with it.

The principles/standards for which I stand and live to teach don't need to change; I do.

Where have you been dodging your destiny for noble sounding activity?


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Maximum Impact or...just a demographic?

If you don't know who you are, how can you have powerful, maximum impact on others?

To have maximum impact in your life, for your family, on the job, in the world... Know thyself!

There is something interesting to consider as you think about who you are. Your identity is the sum total of your experiences, your upbringing, your demographic...

...or is it?

What does being white or black or yellow have to do with who you really are? What does your income have to do with anything?

If you had to bring your car to a mechanic, and needed to get the job done right, would you need to know the shade of the mechanic's skin pigment? If you were choking at a restaurant, would you deny the assistance of someone who could help to look for another of a similar age or sexual orientation?

Give me a break. At the end of the day, what we each care about is who someone is in terms of the quality of person they are...and what we can count on them for -not where they grew up or how they pray!

You want to have maximum impact to include personal fulfillment in every area of life...? Get over your pride or pity about your demographic and be the man or woman you were born to be. Decide who you are and live it.

Bye Now,


Monday, April 5, 2010

Methodical vs. The Spasmodic

Most people avoid doing what it takes on a regular basis to live powerfully/happily. Thinking it's easier not think about what they want, make a plan, alter it as necessary and work hard -too many compromise and die as Thoreau said, "with their music still in them." These people, live by spasms of energy, creativity or action as they survive in their status-quo. Maybe you work with someone like this... Maybe you are one of these people.

Others, 'The Uncompromised', see life as a precious gift to be appreciated and used! The Uncompromised realize that success is about doing the things that are uncomfortable, challenging and sometimes, just plain old painful -on a regular basis. In other words, The Uncompromised do what creates the results they want -and do them methodically (consciously planned and executed). They have endurance...a lifestyle. They are not sampling, they live their commitments.

Are you living methodically or sustained by spasms?