Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Good Story

I don't know if it is true but I want to believe it. Regardless it makes a great point.

Once upon a time there was an old pastor of a well-attended church. This pastor consistently gave great sermons week after week and did so with great passion and energy. So though the sermon he gave on love and forgiveness was great and appreciated, as usual, it came and went without much ado.

The following week he gave the same sermon.

The following week -the same sermon.

People started to talk as you can imagine. After a few weeks of the old pastor giving that same sermon, some of the church leaders gingerly approached him, concerned that the old guy had lost his mind.

Confronting the pastor by informing him that he'd given the same sermon on love and forgiveness for a few weeks now, he responded firmly, "Yes, I know. And I'll continue to give it until people are living it."

Very rarely are there occasions where we genuinely don't know what to do. Normally it's that we don't live what we know.

Live It,