Thursday, January 13, 2011

Accidents and Conspiracies

There are two basic views of history and dare I say life: accidental and conspiratorial. Either word or idea can cause people to get emotional or panicky where we retreat to religious, political or some other social camp. No need. Let's think about it.

Nations don't rise and fall by accident. Inventions aren't discovered by accident. Business aren't started nor do they become successful by accident. These things happen because people want them to happen. People conspire and things happen.

OK, what then is a conspiracy? A conspiracy is nothing more than two or more people getting together to make something happen. Add dishonorable intent and requisite privacy and you get stuff like schoolroom cheating to election fraud and even assassination attempts.

Granted, there are accidents but the things I can control, via my decisions that will guide my life, I intend to. The accidental life isn't one worth living.

Since you don't want your life to happen accidentally either, who will you place in your camp to conspire with you? Who will you conspire with to help them with their ambitions?

Cunningly Yours,


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