Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Taking Leave Because I Left?

What in the hell happens??

I'm in NYC teaching a group of rock-star coaches. I've got to meet a business associate at 7:15 am each morning. If I'm going to workout, as I do each day at home, I have to do it at 5 am (which I normally don't do!) so I can hit my other obligations. Fair enough.

Why then, when I'm traveling and that alarm goes off, do I feel so justified in not needing to do what is so matter-of-fact at home? I start to negotiate with myself based on my prior decision to get up, work out and...and live according to my consciously designed plan for what I want in my life!

"You're tired."

"One day won't matter."

"The rest will actually build your strength for tomorrow's workout." --Gotta like that one!

You know how it goes.

Negotiating with yourself when you're "intoxicated" by stress, fear, fatigue--"under the influence", whether it's via some substance or strong emotion, is a scam and a dangerous way to make decisions about your life. But we all do it.

But what about you? Under what circumstances do you find yourself renegotiating good decisions that you'd made in "sobriety" and instead considering things, lifestyles, options, etc. that are nothing more than pure compromise with a momentarily strong PR campaign--and certainly not anything you'd choose when you're at your best?



Monday, July 25, 2011

The Uncompromised Rest

"It's easy to be hard; it's hard to be smart." the saying goes.

It's easy to drive yourself physically and not rest if there is so much to do. And there always is.

It's easy to think and think about your business and your plans and...and be on it all of the time. There is so much that requires your attention.

It's easy to always be learning and growing. It's the only lifestyle option you can see. You're either growing or dying, right??

Sometimes it's hard for the person committed to The Uncompromised version of their lives to slow, do downshift for a time. They see it as relaxing their standards. Life is all about seasons and cycles; rest is one of those cycles.

Maybe Monday is a perfect day to learn this lesson. Maybe Monday is the perfect day to not get in the fray but to instead sharpen yourself by taking the day off-no planning, no lamenting, no searching, no strategizing, no! Just shutting it down...

The Uncompromised respect the seasons in life.

Be your inheritance-The Uncompromised.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Great American "Survivalist"

You'd think we were on a trek across the Serengeti the way they packed provisions for the long journey. Food rations and beverages to include sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes and sodium needed for the body's very survival were all in great supply-packed and consumed by those weary travelers as they endured the three-hour journey on a Greyhound bus from Albany, NY to New York City.

You can see this same mentality at work on playgrounds all over America. Moms and dads packing snacks for their kid's refreshment during the grueling 90-minute play-date with the other hungry and parched children.

Don't ever wonder why Americans are overweight. If Johnny can't hit the playground without mommy teaching him that Ritz Crackers and Gatorade are required for his nourishment after 45 minutes of such jungle-gym-toil, then of course, 30 years later he'll find himself on a Greyhound needing the same sustenance during the span that is: after breakfast and before lunch.

Unfortunately, the survivalist mentality that has people doing the above, has them over-dramatize other circumstances in their life as well. When people aren't up to much, everything becomes something to overcome, to deal with, to survive. The Uncompromised have consciously created goals, clear plans and too much invested in their vision to be thrown off by trivial non-issues or self-destructive behavior.

What are you hungry for?


Monday, July 18, 2011

Do Something Useless

There is a tired, weak, lazy, unambitious and careless part of each of us. Some call the ego, saboteur, demons or (as I say) scammer. I'm not very interested in what you call it but when you have thoughts that try to keep you comfortable, uninspired and immobilized...know what they are and deal with the enemy of The Uncompromised life aggressively.

Now having said that, I've found that there are many ways that top athletes, spiritual legends, and many other achievers have used to slay those voices that crop up to kill their initiative and efforts. One is the tried and true, "Do it NOW!" Do it now, regardless of how uncomfortable, hard or whatever a situation may be.

Let me offer another option used by some of these greats. Commit to doing something, seemingly useless that ruffles the feathers of your scamming inner-critic nonsense. Do it faithfully and do it well.

Set 10 rocks up at one end of your driveway, get up at 3:30 in the morning and methodically pick up one rock at a time and move it carefully, slowly and gingerly to the other end of the driveway. Do this with all 10 and then put them back where they were. Then, at say 3:55-or whenever you're done, go back to sleep.

It makes no sense, it won't directly put money in your pocket or peace in your heart but it will frustrate that voice that hacks away at your ambition and discipline-both of which are required for you to live the life you want.

If you normally like to run for exercise, go for a run on a local beach (at a nearby lake/the ocean) but first cover yourself with sand. No the Navy Seals won't come knocking but the seemingly meaningless and voluntarily created discomfort from the sand and the abrasion (pun intended) to your ego's insatiable desire for comfort will begin to tame the scammer's expectation for constant satisfaction-and as a result, the quality of your commitments and follow-through will grow regardless of the discomfort that comes with any commitment you might make.

You can do the above or something greater or smaller that frustrates the scammer but avail yourself of the power in doing something useless to do something special.

Enough Said,


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Truth Shall Set You Free

The other day I swung my shed door to close it-but it didn't close all the way. It looked closed but I could tell it wasn't quite closed. As I strode away--aware that I hadn't actually closed it, I began to try to convince myself that I couldn't be sure if the door was really ajar or... When I understood what was happening I became sickened that I was actually conspiring with myself to deny reality and do what was easy in the moment. (not go back and close the door. I know! How much more lazy does it get than that?!)

Food for thought. (No pun intended.)

If you eat crap you'll probably get fat and certainly be unhealthy.

If you don't exercise you'll always find yourself tired and, more than likely, carry extra beef with you.

If you spend your time with the unambitious you'll fail-a lot.

If you don't do what you know, you'll miss the opportunity to become what you could.

If you don't learn to put others first you'll learn what it's like to be miserable.

If you go through life longing for more and different but do only shades of the same, you'll guarantee yourself deep regret.

If you spend more than you earn you'll end up broke.

If you don't read and consider different points of view, you'll not only avoid wisdom--you'll befriend ignorance.

If you don't make your kids feel good when they are around you now, they'll learn to get along without you later.

These are just a few basic realities of life. We can convince ourselves that they aren't so but that has not affect on reality. We can decide we're too busy to address them but as the above reality based Ronald depicts, the realities of life and the realities from compromise and its predictable results will find you.

You are The Uncompromised--act like it.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reach Out And Touch Someone

Do You Have a Problem or Challenge? Talk to someone!

It might take one and it might take twenty conversations but if you keep your problems, concerns and challenges to yourself--you keep your problems, concerns and challenges.

You see, its a new perspective from an "outsider", it's the off the wall idea from the one who doesn't see your limitations and it's the missed but obvious answer from the one who isn't emotionally twisted that will advance your thinking, free you from your limitations and move you in your life.

Do this and you'll grow. You'll advance in the area of your prior struggle and as an added bonus you'll honor the people you open up to and grow your relationships as well.

Sheesh, who knew life could be so simple??


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wining is a Habit-So is Losing.

Life is expectations.

If you expect to win, somehow, most times you will. You'll win because your eyes, mind, ears and your intuition will persistently collaborate together to find opportunities, options and courses of action that others, committed to less than winning (hitting their goals), don't recognize and when they do recognize them, aren't willing to engage.

These are opportunities, options and courses of action that many see but appear too hard, require too much time, emotional, physical and/or financial commitment. To put it bluntly: The one who expects to win-who is willing to stake her/his existence upon a particular outcome will do whatever it takes. They create their quality of life and their legacy from how they choose to live today.

If you expect to lose, somehow, most times you will. You'll lose because your eyes, mind, ears and your intuition will persistently conspire together to find opportunities, options, and courses of action that those who know success, achievement and winning recognize-but deny.

These are the opportunities, options and courses of action that require effort (sometimes hard effort) that appears earnest and sensible, yet ensures defeat. To put it bluntly: The one who expects to lose-who has stake is in losing, must ensure losing to keep his/her reputation as that of a noble struggler. Too much success is a threat since others' expectations are then raised.

There is a vast middle ground, of course, where people spot their expectations, take commensurate action and experience corresponding results.

After reading this you’ll choose anew where to place yourself in life. Will winning or losing be your habit? Perhaps you’ll renew your commitment to some “acceptable” combination.

Time and results will tell.

Be Good – Don’t Compromise,