Monday, August 8, 2011

Stop Thinking

Bill Gove, often considered the father of professional speaking in the US, said something that is worth tattooing on your arm--where you can see it!

He said: It's easier to act yourself into good thinking than it is to think yourself into good action.

This is completely contrary to what most of us have learned and contrary to where the masses, who do wish for more in thier lives, start. The power of positive thinking is immense and we ought to have clear intentions and work to think our way through challenges and hash out plans but...

Most people get held up in their lives by thinking forever—or until they essentially give up and just stop thinking about the life they want altogether. So sad. You and I need to do the opposite of what the hoi poloi do.

Mostly, all you need to do is what you already know. Be Faithful. Be faithful to what it is you do, the roles you have in your life and what you know must be done. Do what you know and do your best…your thoughts will change when you change what you do.

If only you'd do what we know you could change your world. Stop thinking things through and do what you know. Do what's scary. Do what others think is outrageous. Do it now! Call mom. Go to the county clerk's office and start your business. Throw the cigarettes in the trash. Wake up at 5am tomorrow. Do something!

Unfortunately, most will hide in alleged thought and instead engage in some watered-down nonsense activity that creates comfort in the moment and more pain later. You see, avoiding action or taking compromised action (kicking up dust) might keep those around you fooled but it also keeps you from your promise--your potential, your legacy. It bears an expense on your very soul. You know you're not doing your best, you know you're avoiding the rest of your life and you know you’re letting the best of you rot while you’re still alive.

Stop thinking and do something, now!

Don’t Compromise,


Thursday, August 4, 2011

You Can't Go Right From Wrong

What do you do if you’re typing along and see that you’ve misspelled a word? You recognize it and fix it. You back up to where the wrong letter is and you delete it. You eliminate if from the word you’re looking to have convey an idea that seems worth your time to even express.

Why? Because you can’t spell a word right using a wrong letter. Is the expression of your life worth less relative energy, thought and commitment than you give to a written communication?

First: Recognize the wrong (or what isn’t working) in your life.

Second: Eradicate that wrong (or stupid/destructive behavior) by replacing it with what it’ll take to get you to express what you really want in your life.

Third: Enjoy the benefits of right living.



PS Or you can make it more difficult, time consuming and life defining.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Success Is Really Simple

I was at Saratoga Race Track yesterday during a picture-perfect day in terms of weather, the presence of family and lots of friendly people. It really is a great place to spend a summer day.

How did I do? I didn't lose a dollar! I also didn't wager one. I don't enjoy losing money so...

Anyway, it really struck me how simple success is. It's a choice to do the simple, the common sense thing--even the mundane. Yes I watched and enjoyed some races yesterday, and I also enjoyed watching people do what successful people do, while others take took the road of easy compromise--and that which makes themselves and others suffer.

With utter fascination, I watched people shred and then discard their losing tickets on the ground--as they walk by a garbage cans! While fifteen feet away I could see others clean up after themselves as well as others who'd done the trashing!

Success isn't a mystery.

Getting what you want isn't from following a complex series of steps.

Success isn't luck or an accident.

If only we'd just do what we know...

If only we'd be faithful to the plans we'd laid for ourselves...

Compromise is easy.

Easy-living is a choice.

The Uncompromised live a fulfillment that those who live by easy compromise, don't even really believe exists.

Believe act accordingly.